Ice or Heat for my injury?

One of the most common questions that we get asked, should I use heat or ice for my pain? Typically we recommend ice for acute injuries.  Injuries that have occurred within the last 72 hours should be treated with ice to reduce the pain and inflammation or swelling.  Ice helps to minimize the swelling around

Sports Medicine

 Do Sports medicine doctors only treat sports related injuries?     No, Sports medicine physicians treat sports related injuries and are excellent resources for individuals who wish to become active in an exercise program.  They treat injuries to    joint, muscles or bones.  Sports medicine doctors can also address issues you may have about nutrition

Instability of the shoulder

What is instability? Instability means the humerus (ball) slips out of the glenoid (socket). This can occur from an injury and is then called a dislocation (dislocated shoulder). If the dislocation occurs repeatedly, it will lead to arthritis unless the instability is corrected. A less severe form of instability is called subluxation,   where the

Arthroscopic Surgery

The majority of orthopedic conditions and sports injuries are non-surgical; however, when surgery in indicated, Dr. Talkington has been trained to provide his patients advanced techniques with the latest in minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery.  Arthroscopic surgery typically reduces the patient’s recover time.  The vast majority of these procedures are performed on an outpaitent basis; meaning

Shoulder Instability

Shoulder instability is a common injury in contact and collision athletes. While the acute management is relatively straight forward, the controversy arises when considering the risks associated with return to play in athletes. Shoulder instability encompasses a wide spectrum of injury from microinstability, through subluxations all the way to complete locked dislocations that require a

Young athletes

For young athletes, sports activities are more than play. Participation in athletics improves physical fitness, coordination, and self-discipline, and gives children valuable opportunities to learn teamwork. © 2013 Thinkstock Because young athletes are still growing, they are at a greater risk for injury than adults. The consequences of overdoing a sport can include injuries that

Chronic Shoulder Instability

The shoulder is the most moveable joint in your body. It helps you to lift your arm, to rotate it, and to reach up over your head. It is able to turn in many directions. This greater range of motion, however, can cause instability. Shoulder instability occurs when the head of the upper arm bone


Sports Nutrition Athletes who want a winning edge need the right nutrition. When you drink enough water and eat a balanced diet, your body can make energy efficiently and fuel top performance. You can make the most of your athletic talents and gain more strength, power, and endurance when you train. Base your diet on

Your bone health

Bones. They give our bodies structure, allowing us to walk, ride a bike, and hold a child. They protect our organs and store our supply of calcium, a mineral necessary for building and maintaining strong bones. In the last 15 years, we have learned a great deal about bones — the way they work, grow,

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